FancyPlugins Help


This page provides detailed information about the various commands available in FancyNpcs, allowing you to make the most out of its features.

Commadns for /fancynpcs

/fancynpcs feature_flags

  • Syntax: /fancynpcs feature_flags

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.fancynpcs.feature_flags

/fancynpcs reload

  • Syntax: /fancynpcs reload

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.fancynpcs.reload

/fancynpcs save

  • Syntax: /fancynpcs save

  • Permissions:

/fancynpcs version

  • Syntax: /fancynpcs version

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.fancynpcs.version

Commadns for /npc

/npc attribute

Sets an attribute of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc attribute (npc) (set | list)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.attribute.(sub)

/npc collidable

Changes whether the NPC can collide with other entities.

  • Syntax: /npc collidable (npc) [state]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.collidable

/npc copy

Copies (duplicates) specified NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc copy (npc) (new_name)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.copy

  • Name check is now more strict and only allows A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - / characters.

/npc create

Creates a new NPC. Can be customized with flags.

  • Syntax: /npc create (name) [--position (x y z)] [--world (world)] [--type (type)]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.create

  • Name check is now more strict and only allows A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - / characters.

/npc displayname

Changes displayname of the NPC. Supports MiniMessage, PlaceholderAPI and MiniPlaceholders.

  • Syntax: /npc displayname (npc) (@none | name)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.displayname

  • Empty message placeholder is @none

/npc equipment

set - Sets equipment slot of the NPC to item currently held in main hand, none or a specific item type.

clear - Clears equipment slot of the NPC.

list - Lists all equipment slots of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc equipment (npc) (set | clear | list)

  • Permissions:

  • Accepts either @none, @hand or valid item type as an argument.

/npc fix

Fixes the NPC if it's not working properly.

(Currently it's only respawning the NPC)

  • Syntax: /npc fix (npc)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.fix

/npc glowing

Changes glowing state and color of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc glowing (npc) [disabled | color]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.glowing

/npc help

Shows help about all commands.

  • Syntax: /npc help [page]

  • Permissions:

/npc info

Shows information about specified NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc info (npc)

  • Permissions:

/npc interaction_cooldown

Changes duration between interactions (cooldown) of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc interaction_cooldown (npc) (disabled | cooldown)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.interaction_cooldown

  • Formerly known as /npc interactionCooldown.

  • Uses time duration instead of a number of seconds eg. 2min. Supported units:

    • milliseconds: ms

    • seconds: s

    • minutes: min

    • hours: h

    • days: d

    • months: mo

    • years: y

/npc list

Lists all NPCs in all worlds. Can be filtered and sorted.

  • Syntax: /npc list [--type (type)] [--sort (sort)]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.list

/npc move_here

Teleports specified NPC to your location.

  • Syntax: /npc move_here (npc)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.move_to

/npc move_to

Teleports NPC to specified location.

  • Syntax: /npc move_to (npc) (x) (y) (z) [world] [--look-in-my-direction]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.move_to

/npc nearby

Lists all NPCs in your world. Can be filtered and sorted.

  • Syntax: /npc nearby [--radius (radius)] [--type (type)] [--sort (sort)]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.nearby

/npc remove

Removes the specified NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc remove (npc)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.remove

/npc show_in_tab

Changes whether the NPC is shown in the player-list. This works only on NPCs of PLAYER type.

Re-connecting to the server might be required for changes to take effect.

  • Syntax: /npc show_in_tab (npc) [state]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.show_in_tab

/npc skin

Changes skin of the NPC.

@none - Removes skin.

@mirror - Mirrors the skin of the player viewing the npc.

name - Changes skin to the specified player's skin.

url - Changes skin to the specified URL.

  • Syntax: /npc skin (npc) (@none | @mirror | name | url)

  • Permissions:

/npc teleport

Teleports you to the specified NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc teleport (npc)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.teleport

  • Now teleports sender to the NPC. Teleportng the NPC to specified location is now handled by /npc move_to command.

/npc turn_to_player

Changes whether the NPC should turn to the player when in range.

  • Syntax: /npc turn_to_player (npc) [state]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.turn_to_player

/npc type

Changes the type of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc type (npc) (type)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.type

/npc scale (npc) (factor)

Changes the scale of the size of the NPC.

  • Syntax: /npc scale (npc) (factor)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.scale

Add action

Adds an action to the specified NPC's trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) add (actionType) [value]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.add

Add action before

Adds an action before the specified index in the NPC's action list for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) add_before (index) (actionType) [value]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.addBefore

Add action after

Adds an action after the specified index in the NPC's action list for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) add_after (index) (actionType) [value]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.addAfter

Set action

Sets an action at the specified number in the NPC's action list for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) set (number) (actionType) [value]

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.set

Remove action

Removes an action from the NPC's action list based on the specified number for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) remove (number)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.remove

Move action up

Moves the action at the specified number up in the NPC's action list for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) move_up (number)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.moveUp

Move action down

Moves the action at the specified number down in the NPC's action list for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) move_down (number)

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.moveDown

Clear actions

Clears all actions from the NPC for the given trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) clear

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.clear

List actions

Lists all actions for the specified NPC and trigger.

  • Syntax: /npc action (npc) (trigger) list

  • Permissions: fancynpcs.command.npc.action.list

Last modified: 05 October 2024